Faculdade de Tecnologia Unicamp
Limeira - São Paulo


Associate Professor - MS 5.2

About me


I am Graduated in Computer Science at Federal University of Ceará – Brazil (1997), Master of Science in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the Technological Institute of Aeronautics – Brazil (2000), Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering at University of Campinas (2005) – Brazil and Specialist in Science Journalism at Advanced Studies in Journalism Laboratory in University of Campinas (2010). In 2014, I did a Postdoctoral stage at Laboratoire d’Informatique de l’Université Pierre et Marie Curie in Paris, France. Since 1999, I have taught in undergraduate courses at universities. I was user support analyst at the National Center for High-Performance Computing (2003-2010) and former head of the Computer Science, Computer Engineering at University São Francisco (2002-2010) and Information Systems and Technology in Systems Analysis and Development undergraduate courses at School of Technology at the University of Campinas (2013). Currently, I am professor at the School of Technology at the University of Campinas and ad-hoc consultant in Brazil Ministry of Education and São Paulo State Council of Education. I have research experience in Computer Science, with emphasis on High-Performance Computing and Distributed Computing.

Work Experience


Associate Professor

School of Technology at University of Campinas, UNICAMP, Brazil.
2010 - Present

Government Employee, Tenured.

Post Doctorate

Université Pierre et Marie Curie, UPMC, France
2013 - 2014

Post doctorate in Distributed Systems. Grantee of Coordination of Improvement of Higher Education Personnel, CAPES, Brazil.

Head of Informatics Department

School of Technology at University of Campinas, UNICAMP, Brazil.
2013 - 2013

Responsible for Information Systems and System Analysis and Development undergraduate courses.


National Institute for Educational Studies and Research, Ministry of Education, INEP/MEC, Brazil.Responsible for the accreditation of u
2005 - 2019

Responsible for the accreditation of undergraduate courses in Informatics (Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Information Systems, and System Analysis and Development undergraduate courses.

Head of Informatics Department

São Francisco University, Brazil
2007 - 2010

Responsible for Computer Engineering, Computer Science and System Analysis and Development undergraduate courses.


São Francisco University, Brazil
2002 - 2010

Taught in Computer Engineering, Computer Science, and System Development and Analysis undergraduate courses.

User Support Analyst

National Center for High-Performance Computing at São Paulo
2003 - 2010

Responsible for the user support and training of the National System of High- Performance Computing.


Federal University of Itajubá, UNIFEI, Brazil.
2000 - 2002

Taught in Computer Science undergraduate course.



Doctor of Philosophy @ the University of Campinas

Computer Engineering
2000 - 2005

Master of Science @ the Technological Institute of Aeronautics

Electronics and Computer Science
1997 - 2000

Specialist in Scientific Journalism @ the University of Campinas

2009 - 2010

Bach. in Computer Science @ the Federal University of Ceará

1992 - 1997