High Performance Intelligent Decision Systems


About our research group

Our research group works on design and implementation of decision support systems based on intelligent algorithms to work on high performance computer architectures. The goal of such algorithms is to solve semi-structured data mining and optimization problems. The researchers involved in this project, which are experts in complementary fields, intend to work together to combine their research to advance and contribute to the field of decision support systems. Such systems are extremely important to organizations as they provide valuable information that helps managers take strategic decisions.

Decision support systems must be able to deal with semi-structured problems and to quickly extract reliable information from large sources of data. To solve semi-structured problems, non-traditional algorithms must be employed, such as clustering, classification and optimization algorithms based on bio-inspired computing.

Due to the large set of parameters, queries and data associated with semi-structured problems, algorithms applied to such problems often require large computational power to obtain results. Therefore, the application of high performance computing techniques may lead to faster responses in such situations, so that these algorithms can be successfully applied to aid decision-making.

Our group considers innovation as the basis of the whole research project, due not only to the integration of distinct areas of Computer Science, but also to the focus in the development of products based on innovative concepts.


Published Works

Scientific and Technological Production

Check our scientific and technological production (content in Portuguese)

Our Team


A. L. S. Gradvohl

Post-Doc in Distributed Systems

A. E. A. Silva

Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering

G. P. Coelho

Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering

Graduate Students

Supervised by Prof. A. E. A. Silva

Andrey Toshiro Okamura

Classificação de requisitos de sistemas críticos

Gustavo Bartz Guedes

Machine learning techniques to support search and ranking of scientific articles

Ramon Simões Abílio

Aprendizado de Máquina e Análise Fundamentalista aplicados ao Investimento de Longo Prazo em Ações negociadas em Bolsa de Valores

Supervised by Prof. A. L. S. Gradvohl

Juliana Sabino Ferreira

Space Weather Forecasting Using Machine Learning Techniques

Michel Santos Queiroz

Ramsonware detection in IoT devices

Tulio Santos de Souza

Early detection of server attacks

Supervised by Prof. G. P. Coelho

Felippe Pereira Lucio Martins

Um estudo sobre mudança de conceito em dados e suas implicações em algoritmos de Aprendizado de Máquinas

Luan Zuchi Ribeiro

Uso de informações textuais para melhorar a predição do mercado de ações via aprendizado de máquinas

Mário Mitsuo Akita

Aprendizado de Máquina Auto-supervisionado aplicado à Análise de Sentimentos de Textos do Mercado de Ações

Undergraduate students

Supervised by Prof. A. E. A. Silva

Supervised by Prof. A. L. S. Gradvohl

Leonardo Basset F. Pereira

Exploratory study of machine learning algorithms for galaxy classification

Supervised by Prof. G. P. Coelho

Igor Paulo dos Santos Santana

Análise de Sentimentos via Redes Neurais baseadas em Grafos e Aprendizado Semi-supervisionado

Supervised by Prof. G. P. Coelho


Matheus Bernardelli de Moraes

Integrating Indicators in Petroleum Well Placement Optimization: A Multi-Objective Decision-Making Approach

Former undergraduate students

Supervised by Prof. A. E. A. Silva

Ismael Caldana

Solar explosion forecasting through time-series of X-ray fluxes via MLP neural nets

Jéssica Pereira

Exploration of association rules for attributes of solar explosions via agglomerative hierarchical clustering

Lucas Tonon

Desenvolvimento de Rastreador Web de Sinais Fracos

Luciano S. G. Nascimento

Association rules applied to bus traffic problems

Pedro Artico

Development of Web Crawler for weak signals search using specific sources

Thiago Viotto

Discovery of association between parameters of M and X solar flares

Supervised by Prof. A. L. S. Gradvohl

Ana Luísa Fogarin de Sousa Lima

Analysis of solar images at diferent wavelengths to identify active regions in the Sun

Larissa Benevides Vieira

Dynamic activities for the teaching information security in the Internet of Things devices

Letícia Sousa de Oliveira

Automatic analysis of Magnetograms for identification and classification of sunspots

Matheus Dias Queiroz

Study of the man in the middle attack in IPv4/IPv6 transition scenarios

Matheus Evers Rodrigues Fernandes

Using Deep Learning to predict solar explosions using magnetograms

Nahara Calcidoni Pacheco

Review of the SEA System and analysis of Space Weather phenomena related to Sunpy subpackages

Natalia Emboava

Offensive security in exploiting vulnerabilities in IoT devices through command and control techniques

Thaís Teche

Analysis of the Multi-layer Perceptrons applied to solar flares forecasting

Vinícius dos Santos

Study of the potential of SunPy for of solar data analysis in Python

Supervised by Prof. G. P. Coelho

Brenda Alexsandra Januário

Sentiment analysis applied to decision support in financial market

Bruno Antunes Carneiro da Silva

Self-organizing Maps for Solar Flare Forecasting

Douglas Araújo

Feature Selection for Solar Flare Forecast based on Evolutionary Algorithms

Gabriel Barros

Study about the Impact of Meteorological Variables in the Prediction of the Concentration of Particulated Matter

João Victor Ignácio

Study of solar flares using data clustering

Leonardo Ferrari Soares

A Comparative Study of Optimization Metaheuristics for Production Strategy Definition in Oil Fields

Marcelo Laendle Junior

Forecasting hospitalizations due to respiratory diseases through atmospheric pollutant concentration data

Mateus Molinari Ferraz

A Study on the Relationship between Air Pollution and Hospitalizations via Association Rules

Mirelle Candida Bueno

A Comparative Study on Hierarchical Clustering for Solar Flare Forecasting

Victor Pedrazzi

Predicting Solar Activity via Artificial Neural Networks Applied to Flow Data of X-Rays

Postdoctoral fellows

Supervised by Prof. G. P. Coelho

Artur Ferreira Brum

Matheus Bernardelli de Moraes

Software Development

The following software were registered at the Brazilian National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI).

  • Astronomus (Register 13168-3)

  • B2-4CEP - Benchmark Tool for Complex Event Processing systems (Register BR512016001623-0)

  • CONsensus (Register BR512014000362-0)

  • FlareCast (Register BR512019002140-1)

  • Gaspra - Gerador de experimentos para imagens astronômicas (Register BR512013000117-0)

  • Navy (Register BR512020002716-4)

  • StockMOS - Stock Market Operation System (Register BR5120160009-0)

  • SEA - SunPy Environment Application (Register BR512019002135-5)

Software for solar flare forecasting

Check our solar flare forecasting system: Guaraci.


Project Partners

Center for Petroleum Studies

Energy Production Innovation Center

São Paulo Astronomy Network - (SPAnet)

Smart Campus - Unicamp

José Roberto Cecatto

National Institute for Space Research - INPE

Sponsor Institutions

We would like to thank the following institutions that donated computing resources to our research

Powered by AWS Cloud Computing

AWS Cloud Credits for Research program

Intel DevCloud


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