Our research group works on design and implementation of decision support systems based on intelligent algorithms to work on high performance computer architectures. The goal of such algorithms is to solve semi-structured data mining and optimization problems. The researchers involved in this project, which are experts in complementary fields, intend to work together to combine their research to advance and contribute to the field of decision support systems. Such systems are extremely important to organizations as they provide valuable information that helps managers take strategic decisions.
Decision support systems must be able to deal with semi-structured problems and to quickly extract reliable information from large sources of data. To solve semi-structured problems, non-traditional algorithms must be employed, such as clustering, classification and optimization algorithms based on bio-inspired computing.
Due to the large set of parameters, queries and data associated with semi-structured problems, algorithms applied to such problems often require large computational power to obtain results. Therefore, the application of high performance computing techniques may lead to faster responses in such situations, so that these algorithms can be successfully applied to aid decision-making.
Our group considers innovation as the basis of the whole research project, due not only to the integration of distinct areas of Computer Science, but also to the focus in the development of products based on innovative concepts.
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National Institute for Space Research - INPE